"How can it be me? Why me? You..." I was shocked, too shocked to even finish my sentence.
"Yes. What's wrong with you? Why did you do that?"questioned Dad, furious.
"I did not. I just cannot believe that you have accused me! How could you!" I shouted, my heart erupting like a volcano.
"It's not an accusation, James! It's true. You did it, didn't you?" asked Dad, his face turning red in fury.
"I did not! I said I did not means I did not!" Ishrieked hysterically, spun around and stomped off to my room and flung the door shut.
I broke down into quiet sobs. My heart sank in great disappointment. I just could not stand wild accusations from my father. I just could not accept it, my Dad! Dad, whom I always know would stand by me, whom I trusted wholeheartedly. All my good thoughts of Dad were gone with an allegation.
Why me? Why must I take the blame? Who told Dad about this? All these questions raced through my confused mind.
"James! James!" called Dad, with anger.
Dad knocked the door hard. I just did not want to open the door to the one who thought so little of me.
"Just go, Dad! I just want to be alone!" I screamed, my heart was pounding faster than before.
My eyes burnt. Without knowing it, tears came rolling down my cheeks, unrestrainedly. I huddled mself to a corner, sobbing.
"James? What happened?" asked Mum, sweetly and soothingly, coming into my room.
"Mummy... Mumm..." I called Mum in between my sobs.
"Jimmy has told me everything," Mum told me, looking deeply into my eyes.
"Did he accuse me?? Why, he surely will get it from me," I said, clentching my fist in anger, while wiping away my tears with the other hand.
"I am not sure if he had accused you. What I want to know is the truth. Did you really vandalize the school walls?" asked Mum sternly.
" I didn't, Mum. Please believe me," I tried to convince Mum.
Jimmy, that little brother of mine, was going far too much. My father loves Jimmy more than me.I knew it. Jimmy just got to ask for what he wanted, and Dad would certainly get it for him. I hate Jimmy!
"Mum, don't believe in any of Jimmy's tall tales. He's lying. He loves to see me being scolded," I pleaded with Mum.
Mum sighed and sat beside me, with a disappointed face. Dad suddenly popped in at my door, holding my handphone in his hand.
"That's mine," I went running towards my Dad to get my phone.
"I believe you now," Dad told me, giving an apologetic smile.
I looked at my handphone. There was an sms. It was from John. John was vandalizing thes chool walls when I advised him against it yesterday. The sms read: Thank you for advising me not to vandalize the walls. I am really grateful to you. Thanks a lot, pal, John.
I showed Mum the text message. She smiled and heaved a sigh of relief. I was glad, they believed me at last. I hugged both my parents.
"Do you want to accuse me of something without proof again?" I asked Dad, arms akimbo, with a smile.
"No, I won't. I'll always trust you," Dad replied, with a cheerful laugh. "Let's go for dinner!" Mum suggested.
"Yay!" Jimmy cheered, jumping madly like a monkey. "We;re not taking you along, Jimmy," I exacted a punishment for Jimmy.
"What?!" came the loud reply, and both my parents and I laughed.
Writer Nadiah6-9