Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Creative-Writing : An attentive student turned hero

The day dawned crisp and clear and the radiant sun was shimmering brightly on the sea, which was like a myriad of diamonds. Sentimental music filled the air as coconut trees lined the shores, swaying their palm fronds gracefully in the wind. The coastline was brimming with children and their screams of delight and laughter echoed into the heavens. Hearty guffaws of fathers rang in the air as the Emersons settled down.

The Emersons were at the beach. It was a reward for Emerson Low. She had passed her examinations with flying colors. That day, Emerson had least expected that her good grasp in Science and Geography was put to good use.

When the Emersons settled down, Emerson low scurried to the beach with a spring in her steps. Accompanied by Song Da, her younger brother, the duo were building some sandcastles on the shore. As they were having a whale of a time, Emerson Low saw the tide retreat from the beach all of a sudden and she grasped a disaster was taking place under her nose.

Emerson low got up from the sand and in her haste, destroyed her brother’s sandcastle. Leaving her brother crying over his ruined sandcastle, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her urgently in search of her mother. When she found her mother, her sun-tanning mother, Emerson low immediately alerted her about the impending danger.

Her mother leapt up and ran to the nearest telephone booth to inform the appropriate authorities.

In just a few seconds, the old, rust-coated speaker on the lifeguard post crackled into life and blared loudly to warn people on the beach to leave the coast and evacuate to higher ground immediately.

Pandemonium struck. Screams of hysteria rang the air but the well-trained lifeguards were very calm, leading the holidaymakers up a hill where they could seek shelter from the tsunami.

The tumbling stretch of broken water, swirling and eddying dangerously, came into contact with the various types of houses which toppled like houses made of packs of cards. Tears welled up in their eyes as they saw helplessly houses and chalets by the beach washed away.

When the tides receded, the number of human causalities was miraculously less than ten and no one on the beach was seriously hurt.

All thanks to Emerson Low. Being attentive in class had allowed hundreds to survive the tsunami attack. The authorities thanked the Emerson's for their quick reaction to the disaster.

Emerson Low was grateful for being alert in class. If not for him, many would have perished.

Contributed by Aw Hwee Hean
Class of 6-9 2009


love♂4ever said...

hwee hean's composition was well written with some from the tuition centre. some woeds and phrases were from the tuition centre book. I cannot say that he copied as I had used some phrases too. well overall, hwee hean keep it up!!!

aw hwee hean said...

is "born in year 1997" tricia lim?

PYB said...

erm...it is most likely to be her...and btw, if he made the effort to use them, y dont u???but, to hwee, u should not just copy the phrases from the bk and put it into ur compo... u should oso learn the meaning of it. i have read the compos u recently rote, but they r not with alot of gd phrases inside...