Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Maths Problems 7 October 09 (updated)

1. In May, 40% of the people who visited a park were children and the rest were adults.
75% of the adults were women.
In June, the number of children who visited the park increased by 1/5 and there were 336 more children than adults.
The number of adults who visited the park in June remained the same as that in May but only of the adults were women.
(a) What was the ratio of the number of children to the number of men to the number of women who visited the park in May ? (1)
(b) How many people visited the park in June ? (4)

2. At 7am, a car started travelling from Town A towards Town B at an average speed of 64km/h. At 10am, a van started travelling from Town A towards Town B at an average speed of 56km/h. By then, the car had already covered 2/5 of the entire journey.
(a) What was the distance between Town A and Town B ? (2)
(b) How far from Town A had the van travelled when the car reached Town B ? (2)

3. Ali, Ben and Charles shared the cost of a present.
The ratio of the amount paid by Ali to the total amount paid by Ben and Charles was 2 : 3
Ben’s share was 20% of the total amount paid by Ali and Charles.
Given that Charles paid $84 more than Ben, how much did the present cost? (4)

4. Tom and Jerry have some stamps. If Tom gives 160 stamps to Jerry, the ratio of the number of stamps he has to the number of stamps Jerry has is 3:2. If he gives 40 stamps to Jerry, he will have 4 times as many stamps as Jerry. How many stamps does Tom have? (3)

5. John had 600 stamps in his collection of which 20% were from Malaysia.
How many Malaysian stamps must his brother give him to increase the percentage of John’s Malaysian stamps to 36%? (3)

6. A box contained some twenty-cent and ten-cent coins in the ratio 2 : 3.
When 10 twenty-cent coins were added and 5 ten-cent coins were
removed, the ratio became 6 : 7 .
Find the sum of the money in the box at first. (3)

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