Thursday, September 11, 2008

Continuous Writing (Picture) - A Road Accident involving a dog.

Jane gasped in fear. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest. Lying limply before her was Bingo.

"Bingo! Bingo! Are you alright? Does it hurt?" Jane shrieked in between sobs. Anger mingled with anxiety, she watched in despair the black Toyota Corolla speeding away, leaving a trail of dust behind. She had taken Bingo, her 2-year-old Jack Russell out for his routine walk. As Bingo was very well-trained, Jane had never bothered to leash her. As usual, Bingo was yelping away in high spirits. She always enjoyed this part of the day which she could get out of the house.

Bingo lay feebly on the road, letting out whimpers in pain. Jane's heart ached at the sight of it. Her tears flowed unrestrainedly. Bingo was knocked down. Chasing after Jane, she had crossed the road with her, oblivious to the oncoming car. The speeding car rammed right into Bingo. Jane’s heart sank when she heard a bang. It was too late to stop the accident. The impact was so forceful that it hurled Bingo into the air before it fell on the ground with a thump. To her disgust, the car revved the engine hard and zoomed off.

Blood came oozing out profusely from a gash on his right foreleg. His fur was stained in his own blood. Jane stroked her dog gently. She applied pressure on the gash to stop the bleeding. She looked up. The car was no longer in sight. She was not in time to take note of the vehicle plate number.

"Bingo, hang on! You'll be fine!" Jane found her voice finally. She wiped her tears away and scooped Bingo up gingerly, careful not to hurt her further. Rapidly, she dashed all the way home. Along the way, Bingo was quiet, very quiet. It was still, very still too. Jane lay Bingo down on her cushion once she reached home. Bingo's eyes were closed. Her breathing was slow but regular. Jane cleaned the gash. Bingo flinched as Jane dabbed disinfectant on her wound.

"I know it hurts, Bingo. Bear with it," Jane comforted her pet. She dressed the wound and put Bingo to sleep. She then walked to the phone and called her father, "Daddy, Bingo is knocked down by a car. I have dressed her wound. Can you come home to check on her? I hope she has not sustained any internal injuries."

While she waited anxiously for her father, she looked lovingly at Bingo and whispered a silent a prayer for her. In ten minutes, the door flew open. In rushed her father with his working box – a medical kit. The longest wait in her life was over!

Picture will be uploaded later...

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