Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Continuous Writing – A stroll along the beach

One afternoon, you decided to go for a stroll along the beach near your home. It was quite deserted but you had your dog with you and you did not feel afraid. However, as you came near some bushes, your dog suddenly began to bark furiously.

I closed my eyes, taking in the fresh and crisp smell of the fallen leaves along the beach near my home. The beach was quite deserted but peaceful in the afternoon. One after another, the waves lapped on the shore. A gentle breeze was blowing, caressing my cheeks. What a perfect afternoon!

Pepper, my Golden Retriever, was with me. She seemed to feel as relaxed as I was till she suddenly refused to move another inch forward when we were near some bushes. “What’s wrong, Pepper?” I asked her, crouching down to stroke her. She suddenly burst into a bout of angry barking. I was taken aback. Pepper was a good-natured dog. It was just not her to behave in this manner. From her eyes, I saw rage and a tinge of fear. Her incessant barking grew louder and fiercer. All this while, she never lifted her eyes off the bushes. After what seemed like ten minutes, her barking ceased. She stood on her haunches, eyes fixed on the bushes.

Sensing something amiss, I advanced carefully towards the bushes. I parted the bushes with trembling hands, expecting the worst. True enough, when the gap was wide enough for me to peer through, what greeted me was a gruesome sight that I could never forget. And I knew what had sent my dog into such frenzy.

It was a family of cats, dead cats, all brutally bashed and mutilated. I blanched at the ghastly sight of the badly abused cats. How could anyone be so vicious to have done that? They were only cats! I saw a few broken glass bottles and a long tree branch stained with dried blood. Those must be the weapons used on the poor cats. Deeply petrified, I reeled back. Pepper looked uneasy. She capered around me. My soul was momentarily jolted out of my skin. I stared at Pepper and tried to give her a comforting hug. I was badly in need of one too.

When I finally regained my composure, I made a call to S.P.C.A. (Society of Prevention of Cruelty towards Animals). I waited with Pepper for them to arrive. Pepper was quiet since. I stole a few more looks at the carcasses. All were tortured to death. One even had its bone jutting out from its limb. The officers finally arrived. I directed them to the spot. They asked me a few questions and I requested to leave the scene. I was too sick to stay there any longer.

That night, I did not sleep well. The gory images kept flashing in my mind. Pepper was restless too. I beckoned her to come to my bed. We snuggled together and I prayed that the cats would rest in peace. Shortly, we both fell asleep.

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