Monday, August 17, 2009

CW Accident by Belinda (unedited)

A dazzlingly bright streak of lightning flashed across the sky which was heavy with menacing storm clouds. Thunder rumbled, as if there were giants pounding hammers against the heavens. A cold wind blew.
Janet shivered as the honking of the cars on the road beside her could be heard. It seemed that everyone was impatient to get home, wanting to escape the approaching storm. Janet too, longed to lie on her cozy bed. However, she had to run an errand for her mother.
“It’s going to be a heavy downpour,” Janet mumbled.
True enough, as if on cue, the heavens opened. The rain splattered on the tar roads and each step Janet took, her sodden shoes squelched. As Janet opened her umbrella, the wind got stronger, whipping her hair about her face as she struggled to hold onto her umbrella. The wind was so strong that the rain was falling almost horizontally rather than vertically.
As Janet quickened her footsteps, she caught sight of a tree. The tree looked like any other tree, but it was shaking more violently than the other trees on the road due to the gusty wind. It was bending at an angle.
Suddenly, Janet gasped. The tree was about to fall! Horrible thoughts crossed Janet’s mind. The tree could hit anything, the pedestrians on the road or any car which was whizzing away on the road! “Gosh, what am I supposed to do?” Janet wondered out loud, her heart pounding.
Then, the most dreaded thing happened before Janet could even shout for help. With a huge ‘thwack’, the tree fell on a passing minivan, crushing the centre of the van flat. The cars behind screeched to a halt. Janet stood rooted to the ground in shock, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
Shaking her head, Janet recovered from her shock, fished out her mobile phone from her pocket and dialed for help. The operator ensured her that help would arrive in no time.
By then, a group of pedestrians were trying to pull the victims out from the minivan. Janet rushed over to the scene and was careful not to step on the shards of glass on the road. The driver, a man, was pinned under the steering wheel and there was a deep gash on the man’s forehead. Blood was splattered all over his shirt. The passenger, a lady, had only a few cuts. Luckily, both victims’ injuries were not serious.
By then, the storm had started to abate slightly. After what seemed like an eternity, help finally arrived. The paramedics were busy like bees. They rushed out from the ambulance and freed the victims from the minivan. Next, they placed the victims on two separate stretchers. The police also arrived and helped to regulate the traffic. As for the tree that had fallen down, the police used an axe to chop the tree into smaller pieces so that it would be easier when clearing the road. The minivan was then towed away.
Suddenly, Janet remembered something. “Oh no! I’ve totally forgotten about Mum’s errand!” Janet smacked her head. As she walked away briskly from the accident scene, Janet prayed that both victims would have a speedy recovery from their injuries and hoped that history would never repeat itself.

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