Monday, July 6, 2009

CW Jing Jie

16 15 31
Good piece. Keep it up. Paragraph your speeches. Watch your punctuation when using direct speeches.

1. pondering over something
2. peered into the bush
3. He stammered, his voice barely a whisper
4. Its leg was injured and was bruised and battered.
5. I crouched down and scooped the puppy into my arms, cradling it.
6. My hopes were shattered
7. a furious struggle with my emotions
8. I nodded gravely
9. choked with emotions

1. "A... a rustling sound." He stammered.
2. Jack smiled and said "We should bring it to a vet. There is one beside my block."


Qian Wei said...

which one is mistake up or down?

PYB said...

1."A...a rustling sound," he stammered.
2.Jack smiled and said,"We should bring it to a vet.There is a veterinarian clinic beside my block. we can go there."