Monday, July 6, 2009

CW Xi Min

13 13 26
Needs to be more specific and vivid in your expression.

1. check out the stuff behind the bush
2. A flying squirrel was on the ground lay there motionless.
3. an early morning exercise became a morning squirrel rescue.


Qian Wei said...

1)check out the stuffs behind the bushes.
2)a flying squirrel wa on the ground laying there motionless

valerie said...

Try again.

FiR3 said...

1.checked out the stuff behind the bush
2.A flying squirrel lay on the ground, motionless. early morning exercise became a treatment at the clinic for an injured.

Haszirah said...

1. to find out what was behind the bushes.
2. Laying there on the ground motionless was a flying squarrel.
3. exercising that morning benefited as rescuing a flying squarrel.

Qian Wei said...

1. checked out the stuff behind the bushes
2.a flying squirrel was on the ground, laying motionlessly.(motionless squirrel called flying squirrel???)

CassandraLim ToAnyonee said...

1. checked out the stuff behind the bush
2. A plying squirrel was lying there on the ground, motionless.
3. Exercising that morning benefited as rescuing a flying squarrel.

- Cassandra Lim