Thursday, April 30, 2009

Control Set-up

Refer to Q28 of Science Practice Paper

The answer is (2).

What is the purpose of having this set-up in the experiment?

Click on comments and post your answer. The best answer gets a prize from me!


PYB said...
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asd said...
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asd said...

He wanted to know how the amount of light will affect the growth of the plant.Maybe the light does not affect the plant or it affected the plant.Thus a control set is needed to find out if the amount light will affect the growth of the plant.

By: Ang Qi Jian

CassandraLim ToAnyonee said...
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CassandraLim ToAnyonee said...

To know which set-up is best for the growth of the plant under different amount of light, therefore, he would need 3 different set-ups with all keeping the same except for the coverings over the glass tank(one without anything covering,only glass tank, another covered with tracing paper and the last one covered with back paper.)

-Cassandra Lim-

Jiayi said...

It is to compare the original amount of light that is absorb by the plant without tracing or black paper covering it.

Jia Yi

Anonymous said...

The purpose is to show that plants need light to grow

Shirley said...
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PYB said...

as he wanted find out how the amount of light affects the growth of the plant, he will need a setup which has the most amount of light received, getting the same amount of light given out by the light source, so he'll know the difference of the growth of the plant because of the amount of light given to the plant.

Jia Hui said...

To know how the amount of light will affect the growth of the plant. Thus,he will keep all the set-ups the same except for the amount of light that is reaching the plant,which is cover with nothing the other with tracing paper and black paper.
This will let him find out if the amount of light affects the growth of the plants.

-Jia Hui

Anonymous said...

Joshua included this set-up as he wanted to know how the amount of light affects the growth of the plant. With this set-up, he will be able to differentiate the other
set-ups and conclude that light is needed for growth of plants

jacelyn♥ said...

It is to compare the healthy growth of the plants when there is different amount of light absorbed by the plant in each of the set-ups, when the glass tank is covered with the tracing or the black paper,and also,without covering the glass tank with anything.
