Thursday, April 2, 2009

Creative-Writing: A Volcano Eruption

The readings went off the chart.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking. Loud rumblings of the rocks from the mountains were heard. It was a huge landslide! Everyone ran for cover so as not to get hit by the huge boulders. There was no way to go except to the boats. They had to evacuate the island. The mountain people watched as the huge boulders rained on their homes.

Then, without warning, a huge explosion occurred. The volcano erupted, spilling hot lava down the mountain. The eruption killed many lives and wiped out the whole island. Many were left homeless and stranded on tiny boats in the middle of the ocean. They waited days and nights for rescue to arrive. But it never did.

Contributed by Loh Xiao Qi
Class of 6-9 2009


love♂4ever said...

Ideas were written clearly and your good phrases and words were so fantastic!! I think i should buck up to catch up with you....

From:Tricia lim

aw hwee hean said...

Your stories were fantistic and i enjoyed reading it. From:aw hwee hean