Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Weave a story - Tsunami

My family and I were having the last day of our trip to Indonesia, so my father suggested going to the beach.

We reached the beach. I squirmed with excitement, pulling my brother, Kendrick along with me to collect rare seashells. Suddenly many dead fishes were washed onto shore. My blood ran cold in my veins. I could feel terror crawling across my flesh.

“Mum!” I screamed, engulfed with fear.

Kendrick pointed to the dead fishes and explained what happened to her. Knowing what was
happening, she immediately informed the appropriate authorities.

After awhile, everyone was evacuated from the scene. Suddenly, big waves, height of about six storeys high, came crashing onto shore. Luckily, hundreds of people were saved from life or injury for Kendrick’s and my mother’s alertness.

Contributed by Rodrick Li
Class of 6-9 2009

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