Saturday, June 6, 2009

CW feedback - Juliano's writing

C 14 C 13 Total 27/40

Writer has good command of English and is able to compose an interesting story. It's a shame that spelling errors can be found everywhere in the composition.

Good vocab
1. mounted on my bike and took off
2. my stomach churned
3. thought rashly
4. blocked my conscience out
5. an ear-piercng screech blasted my ear-drums

1. futre
2. ferousiousy
3. persperation
4. schreeched
5. forhead
6. only 5 more minutes till I am late
7. the otherside of the road
8. a trajegy struck
9. Before it could hit, everythng went blurr.
7. at a dilema


Jia Hui said...
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Qian Wei said...

1. future
2. ferociously
3. perspiration
4. screeched
5. forehead
6. only five minutes more before i am late
7. on the other side of the road
8. a tragedy struck
9. before it could hit, everything went blur.
10. in a dilema

Shirley said...

6.5 more minutes then I am late.
7.The opposite side of the road.
8.A tragedy struck.
9.Before it could hit,everything went blurr.
10.In a dilema

Jia Hui said...

-only five minutes more before i am late
-on the other side of the road
-a tragedy struck
-before it could hit, everything went blur.
-in a dilema