Wednesday, June 10, 2009

CW feedback - Qi Jian's writing

C 13 L 13

Writer put in effort to use appropriate vocabulary. Same amount of effort must also be put in to elaborate and expand the main ideas to boost the content.

1. Laying in a sprawl, legs and arms in contorted position.
2. After the ambulance left, what remained on the road was spots of blood and smitereens of glass.


PYB said...

1. lying in a sprawl, legs and arms in contorted position.
2. After the ambulance left, what remained on the road were spots of blood and smithereens of glass.

valerie said...

Look up the meaning and usage of 'smithereens' in the dictionary.

AQJ said...

1. lying in a sprawl, legs and arms in contorted position.
2. After the ambulance had left, what remained on the road were spots of blood and broken shards of glass.

Smithereens-Fragments or splintered pieces

Anonymous said...

1. Lying in a sprawl, legs and arms in contorted position.
2. After the ambulance left, what remained on the road was spots of blood and smithereens of glass.

Xiao Qi said...

1. lying in a sprawl, legs and arms in a contorted position.
2. after the ambulance left,what remained on the road were patches of blood and little shards of glass

eugene woon said...

1.lying in sprawl,legs and arms in contorted position.
2.after the ambulance left,what remained on the road were spots of blood and smithereens of shattered glass.