Wednesday, June 10, 2009

CW feedback - Lynn's writing

C 14 L 14

Good effort put in although there are some missing loops.

1. concidentally
2. The woman was wearing lots of jewelleries and the clothes were branded, even her handbag.
3. I heavied a sigh of relief when the man suddenly attacked the policemen.
4. leaded


Haszirah said...

-the woman must be very rich as her clothing and accessories were branded.

-the writer should not be relieved when someone was attacked.

-leaded should be led.

PYB said...

1. coincidentally

AQJ said...
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AQJ said...

1. coincidentally
3. I was astonished when the man suddenly attacked the policemen.
4. led

jacelyn♥ said...

-The spelling of the concidentally is spelled wrongly. Should be coincidentally.

-the writer should be shocked to witness the sight of the man hitting the policeman instead of heaving a sigh of relif.

-the past tense of lead should be led instead of leaded.

Qian Wei said...

2.The woman was wearing lots of jewelleries, and her clothes and handbags were branded.
3.I gasped when the man suddenly attack the police.
4.led (i think)

Anonymous said...

1. coincidentally
2. The woman was wearing branded clothes and accessories
3. I shocked when the man suddenly attacked the policemen.
4. led

Lynn said...

-(Spelling mistake for concidently) it should be coincidently.
-The woman was wearing lots of jewelleries and the clothes that she wore were branded, even her handbag was.
-When I finally could heave a sigh of relief, the man suddenly attacked the policemen.
-(past tense of lead) it should be led.

Lynn said...

- (Spelling mistake) it should be spelled as coincidentally.