Tuesday, June 30, 2009

CW: Yan Bo's Writing (edited)

The afternoon sun beat down mercilessly on the students as they swarmed out of the school compound. They were eager to head home after a long day in school. John and Peter were no exception. John, in particular, was eager to go home to play on his computer games.

John walked his bicycle to the busy section of the road with Peter. At the junction where they would part, John decided to dash across the road.

“I'm going to cycle swiftly across. Saving more time to play games,” John muttered a matter-of-factly.

“No, it is very dangerous,” Peter objected to the idea immediately.

John ignored Peter and pedalled across the road. Unbeknownst to him, his decision cost him dearly. At that juncture, a car was speeding towards John. The driver was talking on the phone and looked sleepy.

Amidst all the distractions, the motorist failed to notice John. His sedan was heading for a direct-course collision with John's bicycle.

There was an earth-shattering boom as metal and flesh collided. John was flung through the air like a rag doll and landed in a heap. As the driver realized the gravity of the situation, he hesitantly got out of his car and walked gingerly towards the lifeless boy.

Peter now stood speechless on the spot as the surreal scene of the driver carrying his friend frantically into the car. His soul was jolted out of his skin for a few seconds.

“Faster! Help John to your car and drive him to the hospital!” Peter shouted as he raced to help his unconscious friend.

“Oh, yes!” The driver responded.

“It’s my fault! I should have warned him that he should not just dash across the road. No, it’s not my fault! I told him that but he just turned a deaf ear,” thousands of thoughts flashed through Peter's confused mind as he looked at Peter, face ashen white.

Out of the blue, the message tone of John’s mobile phone sounded. Peter searched for John's bag for his mobile phone .

As Peter read the message, tears rolled down his cheeks.

The message read, “Remember to be careful while cycling across the road. Love mum :) ”

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